You are Worth It!

"How may we serve you?"

Meet Candice

Energy Healer, Spiritual Coach and Teacher

Candice has dedicated the last 25 years of her life to uplifting humanity through the healing arts and education. As a healer and spiritual teacher here on Earth, Candice channels the light, energy and love from her Angelic Entourage. Read Full Story
From Clients

Happy People

Dear beautiful Radiant Candice,
The session you gave is beyond words! It is magnificent, exquisite and even more! My soul is flying in great JOY. I feel so uplifted. The attachments from my body are at a lower state. I feel so much bliss, even enlightenment! Can this really be true? I don’t feel sadness, pain or discomfort right now. I am experiencing myself above that all.
Sending you my deepest gratitude and LOVE,

I had the pleasure of receiving Unity Field healing from Candice and it was absolutely amazing. I felt completely recharged and clear after my session, there was a sense of being grounded and calm that lasted for days. My productivity was improved and my nervous system was soothed. Highly recommend!

Candice and I go way back. When I first met her she was using her knowledge of plants to assist children and parents with their health and now she is supporting her clients with her Spiritual gifts. We really need people like her to hold space. I feel safe and validated when I have a session with her. I may not understand everything that she is doing, however she is so gracious to explain when I ask questions. The session helped me journey through my pain spiritually. Candice has a very well rounded approach since she can also tap into her earthly plant knowledge as well. After her clearing she gave me suggestions on things I can take or do to continue my healing journey.
-Herbal Jules

It totally feels so different in this house after Candice came in. So cleaner and thinner air. I feel like I can really breathe and relax now. Before I always felt like there was tension around me. I’ll be quite interested to see how I sleep tonight! Thank you thank you thank you so much! I highly recommend Candice if you think your house feels heavy.

Candice, I just wanted to tell you what an amazing gift you have and I’m so glad that you’re sharing it with others and healing…I have 1000 different questions that I am writing down and I look forward to our next appointment.
-Jim P

My pet was sick and the vet couldn’t figure out why. I took my dog (a pit bull) to see Candice and she was able to pick up on spiritual issues that were causing his health to decline–there were negative entities (he was a shelter pet). She was able to remove them. And she picked up on his physical parasites that we didn’t know about. My dog is so different now. From the very next day! He is lively and gaining strength. I could not have discovered this on my own. I’m so grateful!

Hello! I wanted to let you know that since your clearing, all of my symptoms [gluten allergy and systemic digestive issue] have significantly decreased!! Thank you again!

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How May We Serve You?

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions.
Avondale, AZ
Rising From Within